LoS_Twilight Peaks by Ragoo
Map up on EU and NA!
Hey guys,
this is my 4p rotational map, intended for competitive play. It will be one of my maps I submit to the TL map contest.
Size: 144x144 Starting Positions: 4 Bases: 12 Tileset: Shakuras with Haven Grass Light
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As you can see it didn't turn out quite as boring as I feared : P As a starting point I was inspired by Dante's Peak highground expansions but quickly abandoned the idea to do a remake.
Features: - both third options are equally far away from the nat by ground (if you want to be specific counter clockwise is 1 ingame second farther away...) - you can siege the highground thirds from a main area, you can only hit workers at 3 mineral patches but not the gas or the main building - the four watchtowers all can BARELY not see the very middle of the map, so the little bit of highground there is a good overlord spot - big unpathable "hole" in the middle - 2 reaper stairs into the main, one from the lowground one from the highground main
Analyzer images: + Show Spoiler [Analyzer Images] +
Nice closeup pictures
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Feel free to comment, compliment, hate, advise or say whatever you want me to know about this map
Gaia is also the name of a Brood War map, so I'll suggest a some name changes if you don't want to have the same name as an already existing map:
-Tanglewood -Twilight Peaks -<insert cool map name here>
On this map, I think a third might be slightly more difficult to obtain compared to other maps with a similar style, and I think that a good way to make up for that would be to make the natural easier to expand to by shrinking the ramp to a 2x instead of a 3x, making the map more FFE friendly.
Be careful with the obstructions you have on the low ground in front of the natural expansions, I'm pretty sure you don't want another Ithaca where Protoss is very powerful with Sentries.
This map is pretty solid, nothing really unusual going on.
Aotearoa39261 Posts
As a Protoss, I don't think I would like to play this map very much. The third expand seems very anti protoss - against Terran there isn't a good way to attack it, against Zerg there isn't a good way to stop it. You can say that it applies to Protoss as well but Terran have drops and Zerg has muta which would exploit the distance between the main and third.
Very pretty and not boring at all!
I would widen the ramp down from the tower to middle so that zerg can attack the 3rds more easily. And then pull the ramp facing the natural a little closer so you can pop over and start the 3rd more easily.
If you take the clockwise 3rd, you only get one tower to watch your stuff, but it's pretty nice. If you expand ccw, you get two towers that watch the 3rd, but only the "neutral" one in between you and your opponent watches your natural. So I think this compensates for the slightly longer travel time to ccw 3rd if you do what I say above with the ramps.
Btw very nice attention to detail with the siege targets from the main cliff (no main building or gas).
Also, why not enlarge the high ground in the center a bit so you can blink up there or whatnot. Not too big just like 16 squares or so. The ovie can still hide in the middle but he can go to the cliff edge and get a little extra vision before a tower + marines chases him back.
was kinda looking forward to a gaia like map, dante's peak isnt that bad either!
Loving the ambience. and the general structure - hope the balance concerns can be solved. :>
The expansionlayout is allmost shakuraslike, Its actually really well thought out for this map. GJ
Thx for all the comments so far Changed the map name to Twilight Peaks as you can see (thx Antares777), so people don't confuse it with BW Gaia anymore
@Plexa sad to hear you don't like this for Protoss unfortunately I think if Protoss really has a hard time with the third there isn't much I can do. The rush distance is only 112 already, when I first made this map 132x132 it was only 92... so decreasing the size to make thirds closer isnt really an option. I guess if Protoss rly has problems I can narrow the nat ramp, either by making it smaller or with rocks like Antares777 suggested.
Feel free to comment on balance some more everyone
On October 11 2011 08:24 Plexa wrote: As a Protoss, I don't think I would like to play this map very much. The third expand seems very anti protoss - against Terran there isn't a good way to attack it, against Zerg there isn't a good way to stop it. You can say that it applies to Protoss as well but Terran have drops and Zerg has muta which would exploit the distance between the main and third.
I have to disagre. I think it looks like an excellent defensive layout for the Protoss. With an ideal army position of "the ball" outside the natural they can not only reinforce any 3rd base very quickly, it is also near perfect choke size for forcefielding.
The yellow lines is the movement of the ball while the red shows how easy it is for blink stalkers to reinforce.
hey, looks pretty good for 12 base map. i would get rid of the little cliff out in the middle of the path ... they make the map a bit too congested.
i usually love contrast but for some reason i dont see the green everywhere working with that tileset.
Plexa's comment is about getting the 3rd up and keeping it up, early, before you have a scary army. It's not possible to do it on this map, like most maps. That's all. As you say Ragoo nothing you can do T_T. That's why I suggested the changes above.
Let's say you have a nice army at the watchtower guarding your new clockwise 3rd. Pretty good right? No, zerg sandwiches you up both ramps, sends lings to eat your probes/nexus. You are cut off from your natural, which is a bit of a walk anyway.
It's more about PvZ than the map. The map is good in every other way except for maybe a little too choky on the 3rds for ZvT.
Made some changes and updated pictures in the OP.
- you can only siege 3 mineral patches of the third from a main now - it's more clear where you can and can't walk in the middle
Also uploaded on NA and EU now! Enjoy!
Bumping this right before I submit it to TL contest on Sunday to see if someone has a comment what I might have to fix before I do so
I like the lighting in the overveiw image currently in teh OP more than the default darker lighting in the detail images. Dislike prot decals, but thats just me. 12 bases 4p rot ftw. Thirds looks far away, but that might be me not looking ingame, and it's prob more blizzardish than I usually do, which might be good in this case... GL
If I had any experience with lighting maybe I would change something...
...well if this would ever be used anywhere I'd ask someone more knowledgeable about lighting to look into it
Since this will be used in TL Open soon I made some aesthetic improvements to this map!
New version is uploaded on EU now, the updated TLMC version should be up soon, too.
Enjoy! And replays are always appreciated ; )
I've tested this map today and realy like it's Layout, but I found an ugly bug. As you can see in the image: the starting position of the 7 o'clock postion has sliped two units to the right.
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An other thing, which is not as bad, but could be better is this tree, wich is blockig sight for building a wall at the natural.
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This map would be great for Mech TvZ I love it!