This thread is made only for posting polls, do not post comments because it makes browsing polls harder.
The idea of this thread is to gather all sorts of funky data when making a thread for something like "which race do you play?" or "lefty, righty or ambidextrous?" would cause immense amounts of useless threads. Here you can spend time clicking polls and seeing statistical averages on TL users.
Poll: Should this thread exist?Yes, im looking forward to see the "coca cola vs pepsi" winner (31) 74% No. And ban that suxn. (11) 26% 42 total votes Your vote: Should this thread exist? (Vote): No. And ban that suxn. (Vote): Yes, im looking forward to see the "coca cola vs pepsi" winner
Poll: Which is better?Coca-Cola (33) 70% Pepsi (14) 30% 47 total votes Your vote: Which is better? (Vote): Pepsi (Vote): Coca-Cola
Poll: Ban bait pollBW is dead (9) 26% I probably get banned for choosing this (7) 20% NSFW pic (6) 17% Actually, I am gg.NoRe (6) 17% Idra IS a qq.whine (4) 11% ILIKERELIGIOUSDISCUSSIONONTL (3) 9% 35 total votes Your vote: Ban bait poll (Vote): BW is dead (Vote): I probably get banned for choosing this (Vote): Idra IS a qq.whine (Vote): NSFW pic (Vote): ILIKERELIGIOUSDISCUSSIONONTL (Vote): Actually, I am gg.NoRe
Poll: In before lock?In before lock! (16) 59% In before lock. (11) 41% 27 total votes Your vote: In before lock? (Vote): In before lock. (Vote): In before lock!
Poll: Should this be Closed?Most Definitely (33) 69% Yes (15) 31% 48 total votes Your vote: Should this be Closed? (Vote): Yes (Vote): Most Definitely