These are just RUMORS so I'm writing them on my blog. I came across these interesting claims at fomos.kr. The OP says the sources are SHADY. I hope it's an entertaining read for those who are interested in both scenes.
1. Jeadong is not coming to SC2, anytime soon. He is either going to study or join Flash as a member of KT. Supposedly, they are offering our boy, JD the same contract as Flash. + Show Spoiler + I think JD is going to retire from pro gaming completely. His parents attempted to get JD out of SC1 career before (right after winning the Golden Mouse). Also, I doubt KT would spend another gazillion dollars when they already have an excellent team.
2. WeMadeFox.Mind and WeMadeFox.Baby are preparing for SC2! + Show Spoiler + I still think the two players will get picked up by other SC1 teams soon. Even though Lyn mentioned that WeMadeFox.Baby plays SC2, I believe their prices and performances make sense to a lot of the existing teams.
3. A company wants to create a new SC1 team. However they are having issues with some of the key players because the key players want their whole team to be picked by the company. + Show Spoiler +
4. Team Incredible Miracles (a.k.a. IM with Nestea and MVP) is about to get a sponsorship from a large company! + Show Spoiler + They dominate so I believe this one. I'm guessing it's LG. Many people believed for many, many, many years that LG should have an e-Sport team. Perhaps, they are getting SC1 AND SC2 team!
5.forGG, a former member of KT (SC2 ID: Raptor as revealed by EG.HuK on his stream) will join either oGs, StarTale or IM, very soon! + Show Spoiler + I think this is true because he was a good SC1 player and there are many less-accomplished SC1 players in SC2 at the moment.
Remember, these are rumors! But i definitely would like to see many of these come true, With 8 teams Proleague sounds a lot more do-able, IM deserves a great sponsorship and forGG is just awesome!
If you can correct me on the rumors or anything, please do so!
OOPS, Lyn NEVER mentioned about WeMadeFox.Baby playing SC2. WeMadeFox.Baby actually plays WC3 (just a little bit according to Lyn).
Source: http://www.fomos.kr/board/board.php?mode=read&keyno=119250&db=issue
Very interested to see if any of these are actually true
Wow, all of these are vary good news (expect for the first, i really don't want to see the Dong retiring )
Pretty cool stuff ^^ I hope the majority of this happens but I'd love to see JD play sc2.
#1 is pure speculation but JD is definitely not going to KT. They won't have 2 of TBLS in the same team. #2 is false as far as I can tell. #3 is possible and I know what team it sounds like. lol.
If we see IMforGG, then IdrA will have to change his name to IMagainstGG.
I think it would be awesome to see some of these rumors come true! I wonder why Jaedong would prefer completely retiring instead of moving to SC2.
On September 27 2011 03:08 Ryo wrote: #1 is pure speculation but JD is definitely not going to KT. They won't have 2 of TBLS in the same team.
Why not? If not KT of SKT which team can afford Jaedong? CJ already has a big roster, do you think they could fit in Jaedong (moneywise, I mean).
On September 27 2011 03:08 Ryo wrote: #1 is pure speculation but JD is definitely not going to KT. They won't have 2 of TBLS in the same team. #2 is false as far as I can tell. #3 is possible and I know what team it sounds like. lol.
Lemme guess. It's MBC. And sadly I think that JD's gonna retire T_____T
5003 Posts
On September 27 2011 03:08 Ryo wrote: #1 is pure speculation but JD is definitely not going to KT. They won't have 2 of TBLS in the same team. #2 is false as far as I can tell. #3 is possible and I know what team it sounds like. lol.
JD not doing SC2 isn't speculation.
Should Jaedong join KT the universe will explode, I#ve done the calculations people. But in all seriousness that would make KT pretty much the best team in the league and guarantee another Proleague gold.And yay, the Pretender returns! Although he didn't end his Broodwar career on a high note he will hopefully do very well in Starcraft 2. Baby in Starcraft 2 would probably be a beast with that insane multitasking. His drops would be the stuff of nightmares.
Baby in SC2 would be amazing. He has such skill but lacks the motivation to use his abilties to their max. You can tell the PL games where he is actually playing to win.
On September 27 2011 03:23 Milkis wrote:Show nested quote +On September 27 2011 03:08 Ryo wrote: #1 is pure speculation but JD is definitely not going to KT. They won't have 2 of TBLS in the same team. #2 is false as far as I can tell. #3 is possible and I know what team it sounds like. lol. JD not doing SC2 isn't speculation. Of course I don't think he's going to SC2. What I meant was the whole rumour sounds like speculation on the part of whoever started it.
ForGG wins everything calling it.
On September 27 2011 03:25 surfinbird1 wrote: Should Jaedong join KT the universe will explode, I#ve done the calculations people. But in all seriousness that would make KT pretty much the best team in the league and guarantee another Proleague gold.And yay, the Pretender returns! Although he didn't end his Broodwar career on a high note he will hopefully do very well in Starcraft 2. Baby in Starcraft 2 would probably be a beast with that insane multitasking. His drops would be the stuff of nightmares.
LOL! You, sir, made my day.
United States7166 Posts
forgg/mind/baby..so 3 more terrans are going to join sc2? as if terran needs anymore good players, poor protoss gets no love. With Korean terrans being so successful I can't imagine they'd switch races for sc2
It IS possible that KT will buy Jaedong, but theres no way they'll give him the same contract as Flash. Remember, there was an article saying Flash's new salary exceeds that of Jaedong PLUS Bisu's old salary combined. (So atleast 450 million).
On September 27 2011 03:19 DarkPlasmaBall wrote: If we see IMforGG, then IdrA will have to change his name to IMagainstGG.
Haha, so good!
4 and 5 are probably true.
1 is doubtful, KT just doubled Stats' salary, and buying JD as - temporary ? - replacement while Flash is recovering from surgery would not look good.
2 is kinda random, I'm sure many players from team which could potentially disband are playing SC2, *just in case*. Playing SC2 is still better than being unemployed isn't it.
3 would simply be amazing. If it's true, I'm just gonna celebrate it as I would celebrate any important happy event.
On September 27 2011 03:19 DarkPlasmaBall wrote: If we see IMforGG, then IdrA will have to change his name to IMagainstGG.
Since EGIdrA is already an anagram of "I'd rage" I don't think he should ever change his name. <3
I want ForGG to NSHoseo. I WANT IT.
(and bring back never_v. much cooler ^^)
Im all for some of my fav players joining the sc2 thing. ^^
I think KeSPA has enough control over the draft to not allow the current Proleague champions get Jaedong, it would be silly. And i seriously doubt they would put that much money into their team anyway. They are champions already...