The king of Terran has forced the god of Zerg to submit.
IMMVP has advanced to the Round of 8. In the first game of the fifth match of the 2011 Pepsi GSL Season 5 Round of 16, IMNestea was defeated at the hands of his teammate. After the combat of the first set, MVP won the second game with powerful early pressure, and the series ended 2:0 in his favor.
This is the third time in MVP's career that he has advanced to the Code S Ro8. Additionally, his record against Nestea is now 5:1.
Q: It has been a long time since you have advanced to the Code S Ro8.
A: After 4 seasons, I no longer believed that I could come back. I was behind for a really long time. But I was able to make it this far, so after 4 seasons I will do what it takes to win.
Q: But still, if you got through the Round of 32 you won. (laughs)
A: It has been like that so far. If I didn't win, I was eliminated in the first round. I feel confident this time as well. This is because I've gotten past the Round of 32, and also advanced beyond the Round of 16.
Q: What did you think of being matched up with Nestea?
A: It was too bad that we met in a best of 3, but I guess it can't be helped.
Q: You chose a 2rax build in the second set.
A: To be honest, I didn't prepare a 2rax for the second game during practice. Nestea completely read my build in the first game, and it seemed like he excluded the possibility of a 2rax in the second. [T/N I was a little bit confused here, but basically MVP was saying he mindgamed Nestea]
Q: You went with strong early pressure in the second game.
A: It seems like Nestea probably didn't know two bunkers could block the entrance. I did know it, but in practice I had still prepared for a long management game. Luckily, after the two bunkers completed it seemed like I would win.
Q: It seems like we've seen the result of the Blizzcon Finals.
A: Because this will be Nestea's first time in a foreign event, condition will be the most important thing. But even if he can't adjust to jet lag, he should still be able to make it to the finals. But I don't really know, I really don't. Because I don't know foreign players' styles well, I can't make any guarantees.
Q: Your record against Nestea is now 5:1.
A: It seems like Nestea is the highest among all Zerg players. I've happy that I won, but the 5:1 record makes me even happier. I am full of confidence against Zerg players.
Q: Which player do you want to face in the Ro8? [T/N Huk/Nada had not been decided yet]
A: Both players are very good and have tough styles. It seems like there have been a lot of Terran players lately, so fans like seeing Protoss players more. I personally don't care [T/N whether I play TvT or TvP], but for the sake of the fans it seems like it will be better if the Protoss wins. Either way, there will be very good players in the Ro8.
Q: Because you knocked out Nestea, do you feel a responsibility to win?
A: This was a teamkill, so I definitely want to make it to the highest position, and I will train as hard as it takes to win.
Q: You've said some things about Terran balance on Twitter recently. (laughs)
A: 1-1-1 is very strong. Because it has a lot of applications, it's really powerful. It's extremely difficult for Protoss. Even though it's really strong, I've rejected the 1-1-1 and don't use it in my games. (laughs) Fans have a lot of different reactions to the 1-1-1, but players can't help it. Don't progamers have to win? You have to understand how important it is. [T/N unsure on this last sentence, sorry. seems like MVP admits it is strong but thinks fan backlash is a little too harsh]
Q: Anything else you want to say?
A: I want to thank IMHorror, IMTrue, and IMLosira as well as MVPDongRaeGu, CheckPrime, and STCurious for helping me in practice. Thanks a lot to these players.
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This is my first translation, sorry if there are any horrible errors. If there's any language that needs clarified or if I translated something poorly please tell me and I'll try to clean it up. Thanks