I usually put together a team results summary for each MLG, but due to some real-life obligations, that did not happen (but hopefully will eventually). For now, here's an aggregate of almost all video / photo / news / blog pieces regarding MLG Anaheim 2011.
Media Coverage
tree.hugger wrote:
Sc2 strategies have an interesting history of being developed in Europe, perfected in Korea, and used on unsuspecting Americans.
Sc2 strategies have an interesting history of being developed in Europe, perfected in Korea, and used on unsuspecting Americans.
- xensin
- QTip26
- zemotion
- itsjustatank
- thedz
- Rakaka
- shindigs
- aNDRoM Day 1, Day 1.5, Day 2, Day 3
MrBitters wrote:
And with a wink and a smile Day[9] walks up to the hotel lady, says "Boner, Amanda", and we have our room keys.
And with a wink and a smile Day[9] walks up to the hotel lady, says "Boner, Amanda", and we have our room keys.
- MrBitters
- itsjustatank
- Milkis
- aNDRoM
- DeLoReAn
- Itsmedudeman
- Robonord
- darmousseh
- AskJoshy
- sincerelysLeEpy
- Xeris
- Katzby Day 1, Day 2, Day 3
- Drama Report by toocoolforgg
special thanks to aNDRoM for doing most of the heavy lifting