I have finally locked down 2 standard builds per matchup, and while I know that most people advise you to focus on one per matchup until you can execute the builds, I've had trouble finding one build that fits each matchup that is applicable across all maps/spawn situations. As such, I have pretty much focused on the following builds:
1) 4gate can apply to almost any map, but still seems required on maps like Taldarim
2) Tyler/Day9's anti 4-gate for maps with a narrow ramp
I find myself going 4gate mostly because my execution is not crisp as evidenced by getting roflstomped against Masters Protoss players in the Geforce ProAm in 4gate situations. I'm sure I could anti-4gate more often, but that build leaves even less margin for error and requires some solid micro which I still have some ways to go and haven't really focused on yet based on multiple sources advising to focus on mastering builds and macro before worrying about micro; that doing this can get me to diamond without trouble.
1) I have a 3 gate stalker/zealot/sentry early aggression build that hits around 6:00-6:30 that works well for me in most situations to delay the Terran expansion, or to do some initial damage to a 1-base strat, if not just flat winning the game on this push. It is not tough to transition out of and the only thing I have struggled with is fast siege tanks if I am a little late on my initial push.
2) Warp Prism 4gate - This one is just fun to use and doesn't always outright win the game, but almost always does some significant econ damage to the terran player unless I'm hit early by 2rax rush and have to delay my drop...still catches a ton of terrans off-guard and I've had more than a few responses of "WTF" when they see 4 zealots and 4 stalkers hit their main mineral line
1) Fake 3gate sentry expand into 5gate zealot/sentry push. Kiwikaki uses this quite a bit and while I'm certain at silver/gold and even plat level not all of my zerg opponents will scout my front and react "properly to a 3 gate sentry expand" - which is what this build is designed to abuse, but because zergs at this level rarely execute their builds and timings crisply, my push is usually strong. Poor FF usage and army positioning is usually what loses this for me.
2) FFE into Stargate - MC style - Of course I'm no where near as good at executing this, but on some maps this is more favorable than the fake 3gate sentry expand due to longer rush distances, ease of taking a 3rd as zerg, and it's ability to hold roach/ling all-ins quite nicely. My biggest issue with this build is incorporating phoenix play into this as my micro with them sucks to be honest and it is a pretty big part of MC's execution of this strategy. When I am able to prevent the 3rd from getting up, I can usually time my tech switch to colossi nicely, but it's when I lose all my voids and fail to take down the 3rd that I find that switch very hard to get before hydras reach critical mass.
So I logged in last night to play my placement match and see which league I landed in. Season 2, I thought I would possibly skip silver league and go to gold because I was playing mostly gold leaguers at the time and I was crushed when I lost my placement match against a gold zerg to be placed into silver league. I wonder to this day if I had won that match if it would have still placed me in silver or not.
So I click Find Match last night and realize I have not downvoted any maps, nor have I played any of the new maps at all....CANCEL CANCEL CANCEL!!!...whew, made it in time and was able to select my 3 downvotes which ended up being Typhon Peaks (never liked this map, never gave it a chance), and two of the new maps...Searing Crater and Nerazim Crypts. Was really hoping my placement match was on something I knew, but as the loading screen pops up I see Abyssal Caverns.
It's PvT and I go with my aggressive push...show up with 3 zealots, 3 sentries, and 6 stalkers a little later than planned and he went marine/tank mixture. I did some army damage but took more losses than I wanted to - retreated and took my expansion and stupidly went Stargate thinking voids to take out the tanks not realizing that the mass marines would cut them down easily. This is what happens when you play unprepared and tired. After attempting to take the south expansion as my 3rd (again stupid as I should have gone for the gold instead based on spawn positions and my need for minerals at the time) and attempting to switch to templar for storms (more because I'm trying to get better at using them than because it was the best tech path) since I already had a council up for chargelots, he hits me with a crapload of siege tanks and marines with medivacs. Even though my chargelots are 1-2 upgraded and his marines are 0-0, the tanks in addition to medivac support ripped them up in no time. The chokes in the attack path put my army in such bad position and I lost not only my 3rd, but was pretty much losing my natural when I GG'd thinking "Great another season of silver."
Game finished and I get my nice shiny GOLD badge promotion! One step closer. This season I plan on getting to the point where my builds are crisp in hitting their timings and I have mastered the builds to the point where I no longer need my cheat sheets handy. In addition to this, my goals include:
1) incorporating more templar into my game
2) keeping my money low after my first push - I tend to focus on the battle without properly continuing to macro
3) Improving FF use and engaging the enemy in more favorable terrain
Things I recognize have really helped me improve over Season 2:
1) Finding builds that fit my playstyle and skill level
2) Playing fewer but longer sessions instead of 2-3 games here and there
3) Playing against Masters/Diamond league players in the Geforce Tournament - mostly helped me see where my 4gate needed work
4) Messing around with worker splits at beginning of game - realized some of my builds hit their timings easier when I had my workers mining 2 to a close mineral patch before sending one to the far mineral patches - seems to help getting that first pylon out 3-4 seconds sooner that I was which is a huge timeframe in a 4-gate scenario. Once the gateway goes down I stop paying attention to microing my workers as it is counterproductive to my scouting and build execution.
5) Finally made the correlation to number of gateways/production facilities and how often a new pylon would be needed with constant unit production. Still get supply blocked occasionally, but far less often than before.
So, here's to hoping I can reach platinum before Season 4. For now...it's time to dominate the gold league