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2013 FIX 9th SonicTV Starleague Ro32 Group A
Thursday, Jan 09 10:00am GMT (GMT+00:00)
English rebroadcast by Sayle Thursday, Jan 09 8:00pm GMT (GMT+00:00)
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Killer MongBritneyZerO
Match 1
Set 1: Killer<Mist 0.90> Mong
Set 2: Killer <Neo Electric Circuit> Mong
Set 3: Killer <Fighting Spirit> Mong
Match 2
Set 1: Britney<Fighting Spirit> ZerO
Set 2: Britney<Neo Electric Circuit> ZerO
Set 3: Britney<Fighting Spirit> ZerO
Winners' Match
TBD <Circuit Breaker> TBD
Losers' Match
TBD <Circuit Breaker> TBD
Final Match
Set 1: TBD <Fighting Spirit> TBD
Set 2: TBD <Neo Electric Circuit> TBD
Set 3: TBD <Fighting Spirit> TBD
+ Show Spoiler [Results] +
Match 1
Set 1: Killer<Mist 0.90> Mong
Set 2: Killer <Neo Electric Circuit> Mong
Set 3: Killer <Fighting Spirit> Mong
Match 2
Set 1: Britney<Fighting Spirit> ZerO
Set 2: Britney<Neo Electric Circuit> ZerO
Set 3:
Winners' Match
Killer <Circuit Breaker> ZerO
Losers' Match
Mong <Circuit Breaker> Britney
Final Match
Set 1: Killer <Fighting Spirit> Mong
Set 2: Killer <Neo Electric Circuit> Mong
Set 3: Killer <Fighting Spirit> Mong
ZerO advances to Ro16!
Mong advances to Ro16!
Killer is eliminated!
Britney is eliminated!
Poll: Who will advance first?
Killer (27)
Mong (5)
Britney (2)
ZerO (5)
39 total votes
Mong (5)
Britney (2)
ZerO (5)
39 total votes
Your vote: Who will advance first?
Poll: Who will advance second?
Killer (4)
Mong (16)
Britney (5)
ZerO (12)
37 total votes
Mong (16)
Britney (5)
ZerO (12)
37 total votes
Your vote: Who will advance second?
+ Show Spoiler [Recommended games] +
+ Show Spoiler [Match 1] +
+ Show Spoiler [Match 2] +
+ Show Spoiler [Set 1] +
+ Show Spoiler [Set 2] +
+ Show Spoiler [Set 3] +
Note: The game was played on FS, so the poll title is wrong, however the recommendations are valid
+ Show Spoiler [Set 2] +
+ Show Spoiler [Set 3] +
+ Show Spoiler [Winners Game] +
+ Show Spoiler [Losers Game] +
+ Show Spoiler [Final] + thanks to Medry thanks to JohnChoi