Luckily, my internet connection doesn't bother me whenever I need it most: casting for the ASL on Tuesday and Thursday morning. It doesn't bother me whenever I'm using it for youtube or streaming music. It makes me so angry that I cannot win a single game because my internet connection is sparatically unstable any time after 3:00 in the afternoon here.
But even when I'm not streaming, and instead just playing Starcraft, it makes me angry that I use 24 lings to kill a single baneling just because of an internet connection that cannot detect my shift-clicking some three seconds before a baneling connects with my lings all hotkeyed on #1. This is becoming increasingly stressful, that I am losing games, and also stream-viewers just because I have a bad ass internet connection that cannot be appropriately siphoned amongst residents in a university's student-housing community.
Why is it that some companies just cannot do something like provide quality service?
At any rate, this is making me so angry that I'm willing to move to a completely different community to get a better internet connection, directly from my university's fiber-optic line. This is is really just making me so angry.